Privacy Policy


Last updated on July 2, 2024.


(a) Website Owner. This document contains the Privacy Policy for, which is owned and operated by Call To Leap LLC (“Call To Leap”). The terms “we”, “our”, and “us” refer to Call To Leap, and the term “Website” refers to our website and mobile application. Please read this document carefully, as it contains important information relating to your use of the Call To Leap mobile application and Website. This online privacy policy discloses our information practices for this Website, including what type of personal identifiable information is requested in order to make a purchase, how the information is used, and with whom the information is shared.

(b) Website Visits. In general, you can visit our Website without disclosing any personal information. We collect certain information from Website visitors. This includes, but is not limited to, the the type of computer and web browser, what pages a visitor accessed, and limited information about search requests. This information is used to solve technical problems and to calculate overall usage statistics.

(c) Website Transactions. At times, we will need personal information regarding a visitor. For example, to process an order or provide a subscription, we may need to know a customer's name, mailing address, e-mail address and credit card details. It our intent to inform you before we collect personal information, such as a user's name and/or address on the Internet. 


Personal Information That May Be Collected

(a) Personal Identifying Information. In order to make a purchase or to access designated subscriber services and /or restricted areas within the Website, we will request a user to provide certain personal identifying information, which may include: name, postal address, e-mail address, username, password, telephone number, method of payment, and, if applicable, credit card number. We may request additional information necessary to establish and maintain acustomer's account.

(b) Information from Children. Call To Leap does not sell products or services for purchase by children, and will not collect or post information from anyone under the age of 18. 

(c) Lost or Stolen Information. If a customer's credit card and/or password is lost or stolen, the customer should promptly notify us in order to enable us to cancel the lost or stolen information and to update its records with a changed credit card and/or password.

(d) Third Party Credit Card Processing. We use Kajabi, our Website hosting platform, to process all credit card transactions. Transmission of sensitive credit card information is through encrypted means during all credit card transactions. We do not store any of your credit card data during these transactions. Rather, Kajabi (or any other credit card processor we may use) is solely responsible for storing such data.


Uses Made of Information We Collect

(a) Limited Uses Identified. Without a customer's prior consent, we will not use your personal identifiable information for any purpose other than that for which it is submitted. We use personal identifiable information for the following purposes: 

  • To reply to inquiries; 

  • To handle complaints; 

  • To provide operational notices and in program record-keeping; 

  • To process billing and business requests related to your subscription;

  • Statistical analysis of customer behavior; 

  • Product development; 

  • Content improvement; 

  • To customize the content and layout of the Website.

(b) Online Advertising. Some companies that help us deliver interactive on-line advertising, such as banner ads, may collect and use information about our customers to help us better understand the types of advertising or promotions that are most appealing to our customers. After it is collected the information is aggregated so it is not identifiable to a specific individual. 


Disclosure of the Information We Collect

(a) Within Our Corporate Organization. We may share your personal information within our corporate organization, including our subsidiaries and affiliates, and may transfer the information to countries in the world where we conduct business. Some countries may provide less legal protection for customer personal information. In such countries, we will still handle customer personal information in the manner describe herein.

(b) Mergers and Acquisitions. Circumstances may arise where for business reasons, Call To Leap decides to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize its businesses in the United States or some other country. Such a transaction may involve the disclosure of personal identifying information to prospective or actual purchasers, and/or receiving such information from sellers. It is our practice to seek appropriate protection for information in these types of transactions. Also, in the event Call To Leap is acquired, customer information will be one of the transferred assets.

(c) Agents. We may engage other companies and individuals to perform business functions on our behalf. These persons or companies are provided with personal identifying information required to perform their functions, but are prohibited by contract from using the information for other purposes. These persons engage in a variety of functions which include, but are not limited to, fulfilling orders, delivering packages, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments and providing customer services.

(d) Marketing Analysis by Third Parties. Call To Leap reserves the right to disclose to third parties personal information about customers for marketing analysis; however, any information disclosed will be in the form of aggregate data that does not describe or identify an individual customer.

(e) Disclosure to Governmental Authorities. Under certain circumstances, personal information may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants or orders.


Use of Computer Tracking Technologies

(a) No Tracking of Personal Information. Our Website is not set up to track, collect or distribute personal information not entered by visitors. Through Website access logs, we collect clickstream data and other information, which generate certain kinds of non-identifying site usage data, such as the number of hits and visits to our sites. This information is used for internal purposes by technical support staff for research and development, user analysis and business decision making, all of which provides better services to the public. The statistics garnered, which contain no personal information and cannot be used to gather such information, may also be provided to third parties.

(b) Use of Cookies. Call To Leap, or its third party vendors, collects non-identifiable and personal information through the use of various technologies, including "cookies". A cookie is an alphanumeric identifier that a website can transfer to visitor’s hard drive through the visitor’s browser. The cookie is then stored on the visitor’s computer as an anonymous tag that identifies the visitor’s computer. Cookies may be sent by us or our third party vendors. You may be able set your browser to notify you before a cookie is received, giving you an opportunity to decide whether to accept the cookie. You may also set your browser to turn off cookies; however, our website may not then work properly.

We (and our Website platform host, Kajabi, use cookies for the following purposes:

  • To provide a richer, more complete experience for our visitors;

  • To identify subscribers and registered users;

  • To monitor and analyze the performance, operation, and effectiveness of the platform;

  • To ensure that the platform is secure and safe to use.

For more information about cookies and the Kajabi platform, please visit

(c) Use of Web Beacon Technologies. We may also use Web beacon or other technologies, such as “clear gifs” or “web bugs”) to improve our Website by measuring performance. These tools are unique identifiers, but unlike cookies, they are not stored on your device. Rather, they are embedded within our software. 

(d) Online Tracking. Online tracking technology enables website operators to collect personal information about consumers as they move across websites and other online services. Most browsers incorporate “do not track” (DNT) features in their privacy settings. When enabled, a DNT signal or request informs a website operator that the visitor does not wish to be tracked online. The Website is currently designed only for tracking movement within the Website. We not honor DNT requests, and do not treat visitors who make DNT requests differently from visitors who do not make DNT requests. We also do not differentiate between visitors who make DNT requests and visitors who do not make such requests, when it comes to the collection or usage of personal information. Kajabi, our Website hosting platform, may also conduct online tracking on the Website.


Information Security

(a) Commitment to Online Security. Call To Leap employs physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the security and integrity of personal information. Billing and payment data is encrypted whenever transmitted or received online. Personal information is accessible only by staff designated to handle online requests or complaints. All Call To Leap agents and contractors with access to personal information on the Website are also bound to adhere to our security standards.

(b) No Liability for Acts of Third Parties. We will exercise all reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of customer personal information. However, transmissions protected by industry standard security technology and implemented by human beings cannot be made absolutely secure. Consequently, We will not be liable for unauthorized disclosure of personal information due to no fault of our own, including, but not limited to, errors in transmission and unauthorized acts of Call To Leap staff and/or third parties.


Privacy Policy Changes 

Call To Leap reserves the right to update its privacy policy at any time. A notice of any material change will be posted on our Website home page. 


Access Rights to Data

Upon your request, we will provide a reasonable description of your personally identifiable information that we maintain in our data bank. We can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].



(a) Questions, Problems and Complaints. If you have a question about this policy, or a complaint about our compliance with this privacy policy, you may contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

(b) Terms of Use. If you choose to subscribe to our services, your action is deemed acceptance of our practices described in this policy statement. Any dispute over privacy between us is subject to the provisions of this notice and to our Terms of Use which is hereby incorporated herein and which can be read at


Special Provisions for European Union Residents

The provisions in this section apply to users who are individuals residing in a European Union country (“EU Residents”). The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a European Union regulation that governs the relationship between Call To Leap and EU Residents. Under the GDPR, Call To Leap is considered to be a “data controller.” This means that Call To Leap determines how and why personal data is processed.

In the course of providing the Service, we may collect certain identifying personal data about EU Residents, including name, identification number, location data, online identifier, photographs, videos, etc. In this section, any such personal data that can be used to identify a specific person will be called “Personal Data.” As an EU Resident, you have the following rights, which we call Data Access Rights:

  • You have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether we are processing Personal Data concerning you.

  • You have the right to information about the processing of your Personal Data, such as the purposes, the categories of Personal Data, recipients, etc. 

  • You have the right to obtain a copy, in electronic format, of any Personal Data concerning you that we hold.

  • You have the right to be forgotten. This means that you have to right to have us erase your Personal Data. You also have the right to have us stop any further dissemination of your Personal Data. If Personal Data was collected when you were a minor, we are obligated to delete it upon your request. However, we have the right to maintain your Personal Data in the following cases:

    1. If the Personal Data we hold is needed to exercise the right of freedom of expression;

    2. If we have a legal obligation to keep your Personal Data;

    3. If we need to maintain your Personal Data for reasons of public interest, such as public health, scientific, statistical, or historical research purposes; or

    4. If your Personal Data has undergone an appropriate process of anonymization.

  • You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data for specific reasons. In such a case, we will stop processing your Personal Data unless we need to process the Personal Data for reasons that override your rights and freedoms, or if we need the data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. 

  • You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

To exercise any of your Data Access Rights, please contact us at [email protected]. Please note that there is no charge for exercising any of your Data Rights. However, if we determine that requests are unfounded or excessive, in particular because of their repetitive nature, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act. 


In addition to your Data Access Rights, the GDPR also grants you a Data Portability Right. This is the right to have us transmit your Personal Data to another organization in a structured, machine-readable format. You may exercise your Data Portability Right only where we collected your Personal Data in the context of a contract or on the basis of consent, and such data is processed by automated means. To exercise your Data Portability Right, please contact us at [email protected].